Sunday, August 23, 2009

Computer Spinup2

The computer spinup continues. Back to school is a good time to buy, but I am not ready. I have been traveling down the path of getting an ION based dual core Atom for TV, namely a Gateway QX (it is not out yet). Should be great for HDTV with HDMI and plenty of graphics power, but..... I want to watch Hulu and Hulu is Flash and Flash is all about the CPU. The Atom CPU would be a step down from what I have now! Hmmm...what I want is the ION's 9400m paired with a Core2 and packaged nicely. Oh, wait that is a Mac Mini!
Also holding me back...
Windows 7 release. Why buy a computer to reinstall the OS it 2 months later?
StarCraft2 is delayed so I don't even know what to shoot for.
Intel has a lot of new and better processors that are just about here so that what I buy will be obsolete before it arrives.
Nvidia is supposedly almost done with the ION2. I would at least like to know more here, but honestly, almost done means a year away.
It is frustrating because my internet computer has...6GB hard disk left and the laptop is prone to spinning up the fans when it is idle. The thing ain't right.